The most effective route to Weight Loss:

The most effective route to Weight Loss:

Diet with Fat in Low proportion

Diet with fat in low quantities is designed to help obese individuals to lose excess weight and to limit the quantities of fat in their diet. Essentially, a diet with fat in low quantities is rich in complex carbohydrates. Such a diet reduces the risk of heart diseases as well as may reduce cholesterol levels.
It is important to understand that a diet with fat in low amounts does not mean the same as a diet with absolutely no fat. A small amount of fat is needed by the body, however not the bad fats that come from fatty, greasy products. A diet with fat in low quantities does not mean that you have to consume steamed or boiled foods everyday without adding any fat to make it taste better. You do not have to forgo your favorite foods, but only choose better alternatives.

A diet with fat in low quantities plan normally recommends that you eat more complex carbohydrates such as pasta, bread, potatoes, brown rice and so on. Complex carbohydrates are highly filling in nature and make you feel satiated for a long time. For a person on a diet with fat in low quantities it is important to avoid all sources of animal fat at any cost. Small quantities of fat derived from plant sources such as olive oil and low-fat dairy products such as skim milk is advisable. Red meat consumption should be minimal and more fruits and vegetables should be consumed. Additionally a diet with fat in low quantities restricts the amount of sugar consumption, which means that cakes, cookies, table sugar should be avoided. Fiber intake is encouraged in this type of diet.

A diet with fat in low quantities is considerably balanced and is more sensible in comparison with various fad diets. Ideally, a balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats is essential for an average human being. But for those individuals who have specific conditions such as obesity or heart attack risks can choose to be on a diet with fat in low quantities after consulting with their health care practitioner.

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